Jun 26, 2018
Jessica Hofheimer first appeared in Episode 016 where she shared how she experienced overtraining & adrenal depletion. At the time we recorded that interview, she was starting to train for a Spring Marathon.
In this episode, you’ll hear:
- How she now defines her success
- How her training, diet, lifestyle & recovery...
Jun 19, 2018
Have you been curious about meditation and wondered how to start? Or maybe you’ve dabbled in it, but haven’t been consistent about it (*raising my hand*)?
Look no further! Joining me in another “real people” episode is Melinda Mrachek Staehling. Melinda is a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner in-training and has...
Jun 12, 2018
In this final episode of my seven-part behind-the-scenes mini-series, you’ll hear me share:
Jun 5, 2018
My behind-the-scenes mini-series continues with a very frank and honest conversation on the emotional side and mindset of weight gain.
You’ll hear me share all about how I developed an unhealthy obsession with calories and the sense of control counting them gave me. I also talk about the temptation and effort it...