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The Live FAB Life Podcast

Jun 29, 2021

I recently put a call out to my Instagram community for requests on topics for future episodes. One topic that came up was how to make wellness more inclusive.

It’s a vast topic given the variety of things that fall into the wellness space. I certainly don’t have all the answers, but I do believe that we can...

Jun 22, 2021

Have you followed fashion “rules” that you learned from reading teen and fashion magazines? Or struggled over the years knowing how to dress when your body changed to varying sizes?

I’ve experienced this too, spending years searching for help but never really finding anything that “fit” until I found Jenny...

Jun 15, 2021

Have you ever experienced a healing journey where a lot of the practices would be deemed metaphysical (eg, deep meditation, energy work, yoga, etc) but you didn’t know exactly why they worked?

Returning guest Carly Lockman has and in this episode, she’s back sharing her own “real people stories” on her...

Jun 8, 2021

We’re back for the second installment of a two-part mini-series with Dr. Shea Osuna (Tune into Part 1 in Episode 174)!

In this episode, Dr. Shea shares:

  • What the nervous system is and why a healthy nervous system is important
  • What it means to live your life through your nervous system
  • Four things that interfere with...

Jun 1, 2021

If you’ve ever struggled with chronic aches and pain, this episode is for you. Joining me for a two-part mini-series is Dr. Shea Osuna. Dr. Shea is a chiropractor, based in Lafayette, Colorado, who specializes in a technique called Network Spinal. 

This gentle approach is based on the foundation that we’re vibrating...