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The Live FAB Life Podcast

Aug 31, 2021

Awareness is essential to conscious living and self-development. So, how aware are you? 

Continuing with the 4-part mini-series on exploring the nine energy centers in the Human Design chart, in this episode, we explore the three awareness centers: the Ajna, Spleen, and Solar Plexus centers. You’ll hear me share:

Aug 24, 2021

Are you calm under pressure? Or are you one who wants to do anything you can to relieve pressure as quickly as possible? 

Continuing with the 4-part mini-series on exploring the nine energy centers in the Human Design chart, in this episode, we explore the two pressure centers: the Head and Root centers. You’ll hear...

Aug 17, 2021

In Human Design, your Type, Strategy, and Authority are the foundation of your design. But those things are determined by the nine energy centers in your chart and whether they’re defined or undefined.

This episode begins a 4-part mini-series on exploring the nine energy centers in the Human Design chart.

In this...

Aug 10, 2021

How do you make decisions? Do you make a pro vs con list? Do you “go with your gut?” Do you overthink? What’s your decision-making process and how is it working for you?

In Human Design, each person has an “Authority” - your inner guidance system on the best way for you to make decisions.

In this episode,...

Aug 3, 2021

Learning about your Type is likely your first entry point into Human Design, and every Type has a Strategy. In this episode, we explore the Sacral Types - Generators and Manifesting Generators.

You’ll hear me share:

  • What are Types and Strategies
  • What’s the Sacral center in the Human Design Body Graph chart
  • The...